In recent years, the economy of our country, we need the European Union integration process has also been a variety of ways both on the floor in the process of adaptation and integration into world financial markets. Parallel to this, financial statements and independent audit reports prepared at international standards expressing their true financial status are required for the enterprises to maintain their commercial and financial relations both abroad and domestic.
Our audits are conducted in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing and include such tests of accounting records and other auditing procedures as we consider necessary in the circumstances. Services include:
• Auditing of financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Capital Markets Board of Turkey (SPK) regulations, Banking Regulatory and Supervision Agency (BDDK) regulations, energy market legislation, regulations of the Insurance Supervisory Board of the Undersecretariat of the Treasury, Turkish procedural tax laws, US GAAP and etc.
• Restatement of financial statements in line with various accounting principles like IFRS, USGAAP, and establishment of financial reporting structures accordingly.
• Conversion of TL financial statements into foreign-currency financial statements (functional or reporting currency) in conformity with IFRS.
• Preparation of vendor and buyer due diligence reports for company mergers and acquisitions
• Assisting firms with valuing and accounting for their assets in the context of transactions and complex operations
• Preparation of compliance reports for meeting contract conditions and financial covenants during the loan utilization process.
• Performance of fraud audits
• Corporate finance supporting services
• Performing other special purpose audits and consultancy services